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3-Card Reading for S.B.

S.B. has requested an interpretation of the above cards that were drawn according to the protocol of silently completing the sentence, “Please give me some insight into __________.” S.B. has not told me what (s)he has put into the blank space. The first three cards are the “heart” of the reading and are read as a unit. Then, the fourth card is drawn and read as a summary or clarifier. If we include the summary card, there are two nines and three members of the Major arcana in this mini-reading, so we know that this request for insight focuses on S.B.’s wisdom and higher understanding of her/his soul’s agenda for this lifetime.  There are no other two-of-a-kind or more in suits or numbers.

The spotlight has been on the Hermit, the archetype of wisdom and higher understanding.  Your focus has been on carrying the light to the top of the mountain, illuminating a path so that others can follow if that is their choice. You have shown them the way. The only drawback to this position is that it can be very lonely at the top, You march to a different drummer and have spent large amounts of time by yourself. You have a high degree of integrity, which is sometimes beyond what everyone else can understand.

The spotlight is now on the nine of pentacles, the second nine in this reading, conforming to the standard of  behavior expected of you. Even if you would like nothing more than to take the hood off the falcon. let it fly, and bring down its prey, you cannot indulge that desire because of the position of responsibility that you hold. There are expectations that others hold of you and that you hold of yourself  that cannot be ignored. It is, therefore, necessary that you put yourself, on a regular basis, in environments where no one knows or cares what position you hold, and where you can let it all out. I recommend putting your hands on a tree trunk and asking the tree to take the negative feelings that do not serve you. The tree will accept them and use them for fertilizer. Don’t be surprised if as you release those feelings from your heart, down your arms, and out your hands, you shed some tears.

The spotlight is moving toward Death.  This is not a physical death of a person but a letting go of the form, the old way that used to be of service and has stopped being so.  It is the strong suggestion that you let it die.  The new way/form has already put in an appearance with the sun rising in the east, and you are being asked to let go of the old and embrace the new.

The summary card is the Sun, a whole brand new beginning.  As a summary, it  is the perfect “next step” on the path of your soul’s growth and development.  You enter this next phase of your life’s journey, open and vulnerable, having been “around the block” a few times and retaining the wisdom and discernment gained from the earlier cycles.  The sun shines on you.  Welcome to your future, S.B.

Does this make sense? I hope it was helpful.
For more information about using tarot cards for insight and guidance, please consider purchasing the book Tarot for All Time, available in paperback and e-book. Thank you.

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