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3-Card Reading for S.C.

S.C. has requested an interpretation of the above cards that were drawn according to the protocol of silently completing the sentence, “Please give me some insight into __________.” S.C. has not told me what (s)he has put into the blank space. The first three cards are the “heart” of the reading and are read as a unit. Then, the fourth card is drawn and read as a summary or clarifier. If we include the summary card, there are two swords in this mini-reading, so we know that this request for insight focuses on B.F.’s resolving conflict. Because there are no members of the Major Arcana, the context for these insights is B.F.’s everyday life rather than her/his soul’s agenda for this lifetime. There are no other two-of-a-kind-or-more in suits or numbers.

The spotlight has been on the seven of wands, the wish card.  You have come to a place in your life, S.C., where you have earned the right to have what you want.  The only drawback to this position is that now you must decide what that is.  You could easily go into overwhelm; all the offerings look good, fame, wealth, knowledge, power, riches, status, secrets.  It is important to remember that there are no right or wrong choices here.  The only mistake you could make would be NOT to choose or to choose in order to fulfill someone else’s expectations.  Also, you are always entitled to change your mind.  Ask for guidance in choosing what is most consistent with your highest and best vibration and which one(s) bring you the greatest joy.  Nowhere is it written that you are limited to only one.

The spotlight is now on the three of swords, time to heal the hurts from the past.  We know these are old because the points of the swords have been blunted and the heart has absorbed the hurts, growing scar tissue around them.  It is important to be gentle and take time to withdraw each as slowly as you can.  It is only by labeling and acknowledging each one that the heart can attune to the right frequency to heal the trauma and dissolve the scars.  Forgiveness of self and of others is a huge help.

The spotlight is moving toward the five of pentacles, going within instead of going without.  Resource is always at hand.  All the fives in the tarot deck speak of choosing, and this one shows up to remind you that you need not continue to suffer and be miserable.  Remember that whatever you put your attention on tends to attract more of the same, so it behooves you to raise your vibration and look up, so you can see what is right within your reach that can help.

The summary card is the ten of swords, the nightmare card, one of the timing cards in the deck. This is like the experience of waking up at 2 A.M. and remembering that the car needs an oil change.  You feel so much anxiety, like it’s all up to you, and you need to get it done NOW.  Nobody’s open at this hour.  It will all go much more easily and smoothly if you wait until the sun comes up and the timing is better.  You will be better served by getting a good night’s rest at this time.  Given the reading as a whole, it looks like the insight into your future path and the resolution of the heartaches may just happen while you are asleep.  Get some rest; it will all resolve when the timing is right.  Good luck, S.C.

Does this make sense? I hope it was helpful.
For more information about using tarot cards for insight and guidance, please consider purchasing the book Tarot for All Time, available in paperback and e-book. Thank you.

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