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3-Card Reading for C.C.

C.C. has requested an interpretation of the above cards that were drawn according to the protocol of silently completing the sentence, “Please give me some insight into __________.” C.C. has not told me what (s)he has put into the blank space. The first three cards are the “heart” of the reading and are read as a unit. Then, the fourth card is drawn and read as a summary or clarifier. If we include the summary card, there is just one member of the Major Arcana,  so the context for these insights is primarily  C.C.’s everyday life with a slight connection to her/his soul’s agenda for this lifetime. There are no other two-of-a-kind or more in suits or numbers.  However, the first two cards carry the masterr number 11 and its lower frequency 2; there’s a story there.

The spotlight has been on the Page of Cups, taking the first steps on the path to mastery in the area of feelings, emotions, relationships, and psychic abilities.  When this card appears, it means you have begun a new relationship, C.C.  Your feet are planted firmly on the earth, and you are steady and balanced, holding the cup easily in one hand and not at all flustered by the fish that jumps out of it.  Clearly, this cup contains life-supporting water and will feed your soul.  This card carries the master vibration of 11, a powerful visionary vibration.

The spotlight is now on the two of swords, and it is worth noting that the two is the lower vibration of the master number 11.  This is what’s holding you back right now, C.C.  You are over-reacting to having been hurt in the past and are sitting in a place where the emotional waters are relatively calm.  Nevertheless, you have armed yourself with two huge swords ( We can’t even see the ends of those weapons) and have crossed them over your heart to protect it from getting hurt again.  You are even wearing a blindfold so that nothing can fool you or look good enough to tempt you to participate.  It is critical to keep only the wisdom from the past and become an active participant in the present.  Put down at least one of the swords and remove the blindfold.  You are not the same person you were in the past when you got hurt; that was then; this is now. 

The spotlight is moving toward the Fool, the leap of faith, the all AND nothing.  This card carries the message to follow your dream; you will be sustained.  As soon as you take that all-important step off the cliff, the sleeves of your garment turn into wings, and you soar.  The universe has gathered all the cooperating components for your success in this venture and is only waiting for you to move past your fear and take that first step.  Wheeeeee!

The summary card is the three of wands that shows you standing on the hillside watching your latest project launch and/or sail off on its own.  You have hopes and wishes for it but no longer have direct control.  The universe is asking you to realize you have initiated new skills and talents in the course of launching this person and/or project, and it is time to put those new powers and abilities to use instead of just going back to the same old thing(s) you used to do when you had free time.  Good luck, C.C.

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For more information about using tarot cards for insight and guidance, please consider purchasing the book Tarot for All Time, available in paperback and e-book. Thank you.

Would you like to have a personal reading live online or on the phone with the author? You can schedule either a half-hour or one-hour reading and choose your date and time from those available. A half-hour is $40, and a one-hour reading is $75. Both 3-card and 11-card readings are available in the time requested. Click the link below for more information and scheduling.

Copyright ®2022 Tarot For All Time

3-Card Reading for E.S.

   E.S. has requested an interpretation of the above cards that were drawn according to the protocol of silently completing the sentence, “Please give me some insight into __________.” E.S. has not told me what (s)he has put into the blank space. The first three cards are the “heart” of the reading and are read as a unit. Then, the fourth card is drawn and read as a summary or clarifier. If we include the summary card, there are three cups in this mini-reading, so we know that this request for insight focuses on E.S.’s feelings, emotions, relationships, and psychic abilities. Because there are no members of the Major Arcana, the context for these insights is E.S.’s everyday life rather than her/his soul’s agenda for this lifetime. There are no other two-of-a-kind or more in suits or numbers.

The spotlight has been on the six of swords, being of service and healing in a time of conflict.  You are the one, E.S., moving the boat from the rough waters into the smooth.  It is imperative that you keep things light.  If you bear down on the points of conflict, you will sink the boat.  Take it easy, one step at a time; concentrate on making progress.  

The spotlight is now on the Queen of Cups, blocking or repressing feelings and emotions.  You are a very feeling person, E.S., and you are in touch with your feelings except for the ones you have judged “bad” or “negative.”  Those you have stuffed into the cup that you keep covered.  The cup has become so heavy that you need two hands to hold it.  It is time to lift the lid and process out those lower energy feelings or remain stuck where you are.  One of my favorite ways to do this is to combine Bradley Nelson’s Emotion Code with Theta Healing.  The process demands that you identify what you’re feeling and then neutralize it with compassion in order to dissolve that energy.

The spotlight is moving toward the Page of Cups, the beginning of a new relationship.  This can be with another individual, a group, yourself, or with a particular idea/ideal/attitude,  and/or philosophy.  In any case, this is the first step toward mastery, and your feet are on solid ground as your reality expands to include what is in the cup.

The summary card is the eight of cups, feeling dissatisfied with what you have accumulated so far, turning your back on your accomplishments, and going off to find another cup.  It’s time to value and appreciate what you have.  Give thanks for what you have amassed and remember that gratitude means “keep it coming.”

Does this make sense? I hope it was helpful.
For more information about using tarot cards for insight and guidance, please consider purchasing the book Tarot for All Time, available in paperback and e-book. Thank you.

Would you like to have a personal reading live online or on the phone with the author? You can schedule either a half-hour or one-hour reading and choose your date and time from those available. A half-hour is $40, and a one-hour reading is $75. Both 3-card and 11-card readings are available in the time requested. Click the link below for more information and scheduling.

Copyright ®2022 Tarot For All Time

3-Card Reading for H.S.

H.S. has requested an interpretation of the above cards that were drawn according to the protocol of silently completing the sentence, “Please give me some insight into __________.” H.S. has not told me what (s)he has put into the blank space. The first three cards are the “heart” of the reading and are read as a unit. Then, the fourth card is drawn and read as a summary or clarifier. If we include the summary card, there are three members of the Major Arcana in this mini-reading, so we know that this request for insight focuses most definitely on H.S.’s soul’s agenda for this lifetime. There are no other two-of-a-kind or more in suits or numbers.

The spotlight has been on the nine of wands,  sometimes known as “putting all your eggs in one basket.”  It seems that although you are multi-talented, H.S., you have been leaning heavily on one particular set of skills and talents while keeping all the rest in reserve.  You have been injured by doing this.  It is time to bring at least one other wand into play either in exchange for the one you’ve been using or in addition to it.  Please remember that these are all yours to keep; no one can take them away from you.

The spotlight is now on the Magician, highlighting your ability to channel energies from the higher realms into manifestations here on the earth plane.  You have symbols of all four suits on the table in front of you.  Be sure to use your discernment in choosing the one(s) best suited (pun intended) to accompany your actions at this time. 

The spotlight is moving toward Temperance, which has nothing to do with abstaining from drinking alcohol or even the idea of caution.  It refers to the process by which steel is made.  Iron for strength and tin for flexibility are sent through a very hot fire so that they melt and blend together to become steel that is both strong and flexible.  Your Higher Self has put you through some very hot fires to make you strong and flexible too, but the best part of this card lies in the irises that grow on the right-hand side of the card.  Iris stands for the rainbow, and the rainbow was a symbol of  God’s promise that the earth would not be destroyed again after the Flood.  The worst is over. It will never be “that bad” again.

The summary card is the Empress, unlimited creativity.  You’ve always been able to put things together in new and different ways, H.S.,  and you’ve taken it for granted most of your life, thinking everyone can do this.  They can’t and don’t.  Although you don’t always stick around to nurture what you give birth to,  the sheer volume of your output is impressive.  This gift usually comes with a hearty sense of humor as well.  Taken as a whole, this reading is a joyous affirmation of what you are able to bring through.  Have fun with it.  Go play.

Does this make sense? I hope it was helpful.
For more information about using tarot cards for insight and guidance, please consider purchasing the book Tarot for All Time, available in paperback and e-book. Thank you.

Would you like to have a personal reading live online or on the phone with the author? You can schedule either a half-hour or one-hour reading and choose your date and time from those available. A half-hour is $40, and a one-hour reading is $75. Both 3-card and 11-card readings are available in the time requested. Click the link below for more information and scheduling.

Copyright ®2022 Tarot For All Time

3-Card Reading for C.F.

C.F. has requested an interpretation of the above cards that were drawn according to the protocol of silently completing the sentence, “Please give me some insight into __________.” C.F. has not told me what (s)he has put into the blank space. The first three cards are the “heart” of the reading and are read as a unit. Then, the fourth card is drawn and read as a summary or clarifier. If we include the summary card, there are three cups in this mini-reading, so we know that this request for insight focuses on C..F.’s feelings, emotions, relationships, and psychic abilities. Because there are no members of the Major Arcana, the context for these insights is C.F.’s everyday life rather than her/his soul’s agenda for this lifetime. There are no other two-of-a-kind or more in suits or numbers.

The spotlight has been on the Knight of Swords, the fear of making a mistake.  You have been moving so slowly and so carefully, C.F., because of your perfectionist tendencies.  This is unrealistic as well as counter-productive.  Being human means that you will make mistakes; the way to put a positive spin on this is to learn from your mistakes and keep going.  If you let fear stop you or slow you down to this extent, you can just say goodbye to progress, growth, and advancement.  That’s too high a price to pay.  Lighten up.  As Abraham says, “You never get it done, and you never get it wrong,  Cut yourself some slack and know that resource is always at hand.

The spotlight is now on the nine of cups.  Congratulations, you have a veritable treasure chest of feelings, emotions, relationships, and psychic abilities that you have accumulated.  Now, it is time to take them off the shelf and put them into play.  Leaving them where they are ties up your energy and keeps them in the “potential” category; it’s time to activate one or more of these or risk slipping into the “coulda, woulda. shoulda” regret energy.  Do you see how this card is related to the first  one?

The spotlight is moving toward the ten of wands, the need to use discernment in choosing which skill or talent to lead with.  The fact that you are able to do so many different things and do them well, feels more like a burden than a gift right now. Just like the advice for the previous card, choose one or two at the most to lead with.  Bundle the others and tuck them under your arm.  Once you get where you’re going, you can pull out another if you wish,  These are yours; you won’t lose them, but it doesn’t serve you to hide behind them and cover so little ground. 

The summary card is the four of cups, ignoring or being unaware of an opportunity that is being offered to establish a new foundation.  Sitting with your eyes downcast and your arms crossed over your heart so that you don’t get hurt again, you make zero progress.  Please lift your eyes, raise your vibration, take the cup and drink deeply.  If somewhere down the road, you change your mind and want something else, by all means, g for it.  Doing nothing is not an enlightened choice.  Good luck, C.F.

Does this make sense? I hope it was helpful.
For more information about using tarot cards for insight and guidance, please consider purchasing the book Tarot for All Time, available in paperback and e-book. Thank you.

Would you like to have a personal reading live online or on the phone with the author? You can schedule either a half-hour or one-hour reading and choose your date and time from those available. A half-hour is $40, and a one-hour reading is $75. Both 3-card and 11-card readings are available in the time requested. Click the link below for more information and scheduling.

Copyright ®2022 Tarot For All Time

3-Card Reading for H.S.

H.S. has requested an interpretation of the above cards that were drawn according to the protocol of silently completing the sentence, “Please give me some insight into __________.” H.S. has not told me what (s)he has put into the blank space. The first three cards are the “heart” of the reading and are read as a unit. Then, the fourth card is drawn and read as a summary or clarifier. If we include the summary card, there are two fives and two cups in this mini-reading, so we know that this request for insight focuses on H.S.’s free will and choice in feelings, emotions, relationships, and psychic abilities. Because there are no members of the Major Arcana, the context for these insights is H.S.’s everyday life rather than her/his soul’s agenda for this lifetime. There are no other two-of-a-kind or more in suits or numbers.

The spotlight has been on the Page of Swords, the testing card.  This card appears when you have declared your intent to follow the path to mastery, and the universe steps in to test your commitment.  When this card appears in a reading, it acknowledges that you are going through a trying experience and advises you to keep on keeping on in order to attain the goal you have set your sights on.  As frustrating and/or challenging as this experience may seem, it is but the price you must pay to get where you want to be.  Perseverance is required.   Get beyond the fear, the doubt, and the frustration.  Keep your eyes on the prize, and you will succeed.

The spotlight is now on the five of wands, another challenge to your commitment to make a difference.  This time, it’s the self-doubt about whether this was such a good idea to play with this group of ruffians.  Remember, this is play, not combat.  You only need to hang in there a bit longer to prove you can take it as well as dish it out, and you are earning the respect of all the others at the same time.  You are making a difference and setting an example.

The spotlight is moving toward the five of cups, feeling like something or someone is missing in your life.  If, indeed, someone has died, be gentle with yourself and allow time to mourn.  Then, turn your attention to and focus on the two cups you still have standing and to the fact that the river of resource is right by you.  Find the gratitude and the abundance and blessings will be yours.

The summary card is the three of cups, the celebration card.  It is so important to celebrate how far you’ve come from where you started and to include others in your celebration as well.  This lets others know that they can reciprocate, and you  inspire them to emulate your behavior, taking time to “smell the roses” rather than beat up on yourself for what still remains to be done.  Taken as a whole, this reading represents an attitude adjustment and a re-commitment to sticking with your chosen path.  Good luck, H.S. 

Does this make sense? I hope it was helpful.
For more information about using tarot cards for insight and guidance, please consider purchasing the book Tarot for All Time, available in paperback and e-book. Thank you.

Would you like to have a personal reading live online or on the phone with the author? You can schedule either a half-hour or one hour reading and choose your date and time from those available. A half-hour is $40, and a one-hour reading is $75. Both 3-card and 11-card readings are available in the time requested. Click the link below for more information and scheduling.

Copyright ®2022 Tarot For All Time

3-Card Reading for F.J.

F.J. has requested an interpretation of the above cards that were drawn according to the protocol of silently completing the sentence, “Please give me some insight into __________.” F.J. has not told me what (s)he has put into the blank space. The first three cards are the “heart” of the reading and are read as a unit. Then, the fourth card is drawn and read as a summary or clarifier. If we include the summary card, there are two members of the Major Arcana in this mini-reading, so we know that this request for insight focuses on F.J.’s soul’s agenda for this lifetime rather than just on her/his everyday activities. There are no other two-of-a-kind or more in suits or numbers.

The spotlight has been on the four of swords, withdrawing from conflict.  Because of its position, F.J., this is what you’ve been doing, and it has been costly.  The key is in the stained glass window that shows two figures, one on her knees, and one standing ready to give something to the other.  You tend to group people into givers and receivers and to quickly judge those who receive as “takers.”  You are constantly placing yourself in competitive opposition to other people and rather than beat up on yourself for coming up short (you will always be able to find someone else who does more/has more/is better than you), you withdraw temporarily from this perceived competition.  Wow!  You might feel safe, but this completely disempowers you and renders you stuck.  This card appears to remind you that all people are part of the process; we must have receivers in order for givers to be able to give.  One of my very wise teachers said, “What somebody else thinks about me is none of my business.”  Let go of the compare and compete.  Stop the self-judgments.  If your way is different and it still works, please don’t look at it as being wrong.

The spotlight is now on the ten of cups, using discernment with whom you share the benefits that life has awarded you.  Given the first card, this one seems to be telling you to stop giving away your power to other people for them to validate you.  Use discernment in sharing the benefits you have earned.  Choose wisely who will stand with you under the rainbow.

The spotlight is moving toward the Chariot, abandoning the vehicle that has carried you to this moment because it has stopped working.  Yes, indeed, F.J., it’s time to stop withdrawing from the perceived competition, take your rightful place under the rainbow, and ride ahead into the next part of your life with a new foundation, in a new vehicle, with YOU as the driver.

The summary card is the Lovers, the gift of healing.  This gift is yours, F.J.  You are able to hold the space, give the permission and the support for others to heal themselves if that is what they choose to do.  In this case, this reading is about what you need to do to heal yourself as well.

Does this make sense? I hope it was helpful.
For more information about using tarot cards for insight and guidance, please consider purchasing the book Tarot for All Time, available in paperback and e-book. Thank you.

Would you like to have a personal reading live online or on the phone with the author? You can schedule either a half-hour or one-hour reading and choose your date and time from those available. A half-hour is $40, and a one-hour reading is $75. Both 3-card and 11-card readings are available in the time requested. Click the link below for more information and scheduling.

Copyright ®2022 Tarot For All Time

3-Card Reading for M.W.

MW. has requested an interpretation of the above cards that were drawn according to the protocol of silently completing the sentence, “Please give me some insight into __________.” M.W. has not told me what (s)he has put into the blank space. The first three cards are the “heart” of the reading and are read as a unit. Then, the fourth card is drawn and read as a summary or clarifier. If we include the summary card, there are two members of the Major Arcana in this mini-reading, so the context for these insights is M.W..’s soul’s agenda for this lifetime, not just her/his everyday life. There are no other two-of-a-kind or more in suits or numbers.

The spotlight has been on the eight of wands,  one of the few cards in the tarot deck where there are no people pictured.  When this card shows up, it tells you that whatever that next higher step is that you’ve been aiming for and working toward, it’s almost about to land, so get ready.    M.W., this is so exciting.

The spotlight is now on the Chariot, which appears in a reading to tell you that the vehicle that brought you this far needs to be abandoned because it has stopped working. This could be anything from a job or a title, friendship, partnership, or association to something as subtle as an attitude or a behavior pattern.  In any event, it is appropriate for you to find a new vehicle.

The spotlight is moving toward the five of pentacles, going within instead of going without.  The help you seek can be found by going within. raising your vibration and your focus.  All the fives in the tarot deck speak of choosing, and this one shows up to remind you that you need not continue to suffer and be miserable.  Remember that whatever you put your attention on tends to attract more of the same, so it behooves you to raise your vibration and look up, so you can see what is right within your reach that can help.

The summary card is the Lovers, the gift of healing.  This is a gift you have earned over a lifetime or several.  It is significant that the connection between the two parties is through the angel, not through each other.  It is because you are able to hold the space and give permission and support to others if they choose to heal themselves that the healing comes through you.  Good luck, M.W.

Does this make sense? I hope it was helpful.
For more information about using tarot cards for insight and guidance, please consider purchasing the book Tarot for All Time, available in paperback and e-book. Thank you.

Would you like to have a personal reading live online or on the phone with the author? You can schedule either a half-hour or one-hour reading and choose your date and time from those available. A half-hour is $40, and a one-hour reading is $75. Both 3-card and 11-card readings are available in the time requested. Click the link below for more information and scheduling.

Copyright ®2022 Tarot For All Time

3-Card Reading for F.D.

F.D. has requested an interpretation of the above cards that were drawn according to the protocol of silently completing the sentence, “Please give me some insight into __________.” F.D. has not told me what (s)he has put into the blank space. The first three cards are the “heart” of the reading and are read as a unit. Then, the fourth card is drawn and read as a summary or clarifier. If we include the summary card, there are two fours (queen=13=1+3=4) and two wands in this mini-reading, so we know that this request for insight focuses on F.D.’s establishing a new foundation using her/his skills and talents. There is only one member of the Major Arcana, so the context for these insights is B.F.’s everyday life moreso than her/his soul’s agenda for this lifetime. There are no other two-of-a-kind or more in suits or numbers.

The spotlight has been on the Queen of Swords, also known as the Butterfly Queen.  This card appears when the seeker is more than halfway through the process of changing from a caterpillar to a butterfly.  This has been crazy-making at times because a caterpillar’s life is so simple by comparison.  Finding oneself in a cocoon, not knowing what is happening or why can be challenging, to say the least.  The upside to this is that the sun will come out, the cocoon will open, and the seeker will emerge as a butterfly.  Hang in there, F.D.

The spotlight is now on the Star, also known as the Wayshower.  This card reassures the seeker that (s)he has a high enough vibration to take her/his place in the Divine Flow.  (S)he vibrates to a higher frequency and leaves behind the lower vibrations, thoughts, feelings, and actions that would hold her/him back.  (S)he appears as a star, an inspiration to others, and proof of what is possible.

The spotlight is moving toward the two of wands that shows the seeker at a crossroads where a choice must be made.  This is it, F.D.  Are you going to take the safe, sure, practical path represented by the globe or are you going to trust your skills for the next phase of your life?  You have more going for you than you realize as shown by the extra wand in back of you.  This is strong encouragement from the universe.

The summary card is the four of wands.  This reading is all about establishing a new foundation outside the castle where you have been living.  Your skills and talents are good enough, strong enough, and alive enough to provide a new home base out in the world.  It’s time to celebrate being a butterfly, F.D.

Does this make sense? I hope it was helpful.
For more information about using tarot cards for insight and guidance, please consider purchasing the book Tarot for All Time, available in paperback and e-book. Thank you.

Would you like to have a personal reading live online or on the phone with the author? You can schedule either a half-hour or one-hour reading and choose your date and time from those available. A half-hour is $40, and a one-hour reading is $75. Both 3-card and 11-card readings are available in the time requested. Click the link below for more information and scheduling. 

Copyright ®2022 Tarot For All Time

3-Card Reading for G.C.

G.C. has requested an interpretation of the above cards that were drawn according to the protocol of silently completing the sentence, “Please give me some insight into __________.”G.C. has not told me what (s)he has put into the blank space. The first three cards are the “heart” of the reading and are read as a unit. Then, the fourth card is drawn and read as a summary or clarifier. If we include the summary card, there are two members of the Major Arcana in this mini-reading, so we know that this request for insight focuses on G.C.’s soul’s agenda for this lifetime. There are no other two-of-a-kind or more in suits or numbers.

The spotlight has been on the Star,  sometimes called the ‘way-shower,” being part of a larger pattern so that by holding a higher vibration, you calibrate and harmonize with the energy flow of the Divine.  This card appears when the seeker has enough self-love, self-respect, and self-confidence to attune her/his vibration to match that of the universal flow, returning source to source while turning source into resource.  This type of surrender honors divine purpose and divine timing.  The seeker inspires others to have faith as well, even when we can’t see the Big Picture.  We do realize that we are each an aspect of the Divine as we ask to serve in this way.

The spotlight is now on the King of Cups, the master of the water realm, the home of feelings, emotions, relationships, and psychic abilities.  This card shows up here now to assure you that you are perfectly qualified for the job depicted in the first card.  You consistently show up at the top of your game, exquisitely balanced to ride the waves of the water realm. occasionally letting the water lap at your foot.

The spotlight is moving toward the Fool, a leap of faith.  Someone wise once said that you must always take a leap of faith when it presents itself because you will either succeed or learn something beyond value. Considering the two cards that have preceded this one, your chances of success are great.  The universe has assembled all the contributing components for your support as you follow your dream.  As you take that first step off the cliff, the sleeves of your garment turn into wings, and you soar.

The summary card is the Queen of Wands, That last frontier of doubt and hesitation, where you place the cat at your feet as an insurance policy.  This creates a slight distance when you warn people that sometimes the cat can scratch.  It’s time to fire the cat and take full responsibility for your words, your thoughts, your feelings, and your actions.  It’s time to ground your wand into the earth below your feet instead of keeping it on the level of the throne.  It’s time to let your light shine fully so that the sunflower faces you.  Good luck, G.C.

Does this make sense? I hope it was helpful.

For more information about using tarot cards for insight and guidance, please consider purchasing the book Tarot for All Time, available in paperback and e-book. Thank you.

Would you like to have a personal reading live online or on the phone with the author? You can schedule either a half-hour or one-hour reading and choose your date and time from those available. A half-hour is $40, and a one-hour reading is $75. Both 3-card and 11-card readings are available in the time requested. Click the link below for more information and scheduling.

Copyright ®2022 Tarot For All Time

3-Card Reading for S.J.

S.J. has requested an interpretation of the above cards that were drawn according to the protocol of silently completing the sentence, “Please give me some insight into __________.” S.J. has not told me what (s)he has put into the blank space. The first three cards are the “heart” of the reading and are read as a unit. Then, the fourth card is drawn and read as a summary or clarifier. If we include the summary card, there are two ones, two pentacles, and two members of the Major Arcana in this mini-reading, so we know that this request for insight focuses on S.J.’s leading, controlling, and directing her/his values, priorities, and work as they fulfill her/his soul’s agenda for this lifetime. There are no other two-of-a-kind or more in suits or numbers.

The spotlight has been on the Star, being part of a larger pattern. holding a higher vibration, and being part of the solution instead of part of the problem.  This card appears when the seeker has enough self-love, self-respect, and self-confidence to attune her/his vibration to match that of the universal flow, returning source to source while turning source into resource.  This type of surrender honors divine purpose and divine timing.  The seeker inspires others to have faith as well, even when we can’t see the Big Picture.  We do realize that we are each an aspect of the Divine as we ask to serve in this way.

The spotlight is now on the nine of pentacles, a card of wisdom and higher understanding.  Sometimes, S.J., you would like nothing better than to take the hood off the falcon, let it fly, and let it hunt and kill.  What keeps you from “letting it all hang out” is the position of responsibility you hold.  You adhere to a higher standard of acceptable behavior,  appropriate responses, and political correctness.  It is, therefore, important for you to establish a safe and effective way to deal with any negative emotions and/or split energies that come up for you.  There are many safe ways to do this, including writing angry letters that you burn and/or destroy rather than send.  Any trees that are in your neighborhood are available to help.  When no one else can see or hear you, ask a tree if it is willing to take your anger, disappointment, or sadness.  Put your hands on the trunk and allow those negative emotions to flow through your arms and hands until they are gone.  The tree uses them for fertilizer.

The spotlight is moving toward the Ace of Pentacles, a triumph of integrity.  Aligning with the best and highest allows you to “walk your talk” and serve as an inspiration to others if they choose to look up.  This is the only ace in the deck that has no automatic blessings falling on others.  This card appears to emphasize free will and choice.  You triumph when you align your vibration with the best and highest.

The summary card is the Magician, who is able to channel energies from the higher realms into manifestations in this one.  You have all the symbols of the four elements on the table in front of you, S.J., and you are being asked to use some discernment in choosing the one or ones that are best for the task at hand.  Taken as a whole, this is a very encouraging reading that tells you you are in the right place at the right time with everything you need to know to make things happen.  Good luck, S.J.

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For more information about using tarot cards for insight and guidance, please consider purchasing the book Tarot for All Time, available in paperback and e-book. Thank you.

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