3-Card Reading for C.C.
C.C. has requested an interpretation of the above cards that were drawn according to the protocol of silently completing the sentence, “Please give me some insight into __________.” C.C. has not told me what (s)he has put into the blank space. The first three cards are the “heart” of the reading and are read as a unit. Then, the fourth card is drawn and read as a summary or clarifier. If we include the summary card, there is just one member of the Major Arcana, so the context for these insights is primarily C.C.’s everyday life with a slight connection to her/his soul’s agenda for this lifetime. There are no other two-of-a-kind or more in suits or numbers. However, the first two cards carry the masterr number 11 and its lower frequency 2; there’s a story there.
The spotlight has been on the Page of Cups, taking the first steps on the path to mastery in the area of feelings, emotions, relationships, and psychic abilities. When this card appears, it means you have begun a new relationship, C.C. Your feet are planted firmly on the earth, and you are steady and balanced, holding the cup easily in one hand and not at all flustered by the fish that jumps out of it. Clearly, this cup contains life-supporting water and will feed your soul. This card carries the master vibration of 11, a powerful visionary vibration.
The spotlight is now on the two of swords, and it is worth noting that the two is the lower vibration of the master number 11. This is what’s holding you back right now, C.C. You are over-reacting to having been hurt in the past and are sitting in a place where the emotional waters are relatively calm. Nevertheless, you have armed yourself with two huge swords ( We can’t even see the ends of those weapons) and have crossed them over your heart to protect it from getting hurt again. You are even wearing a blindfold so that nothing can fool you or look good enough to tempt you to participate. It is critical to keep only the wisdom from the past and become an active participant in the present. Put down at least one of the swords and remove the blindfold. You are not the same person you were in the past when you got hurt; that was then; this is now.
The spotlight is moving toward the Fool, the leap of faith, the all AND nothing. This card carries the message to follow your dream; you will be sustained. As soon as you take that all-important step off the cliff, the sleeves of your garment turn into wings, and you soar. The universe has gathered all the cooperating components for your success in this venture and is only waiting for you to move past your fear and take that first step. Wheeeeee!
The summary card is the three of wands that shows you standing on the hillside watching your latest project launch and/or sail off on its own. You have hopes and wishes for it but no longer have direct control. The universe is asking you to realize you have initiated new skills and talents in the course of launching this person and/or project, and it is time to put those new powers and abilities to use instead of just going back to the same old thing(s) you used to do when you had free time. Good luck, C.C.
Does this make sense? I hope it was helpful.
For more information about using tarot cards for insight and guidance, please consider purchasing the book Tarot for All Time, available in paperback and e-book. Thank you.
Would you like to have a personal reading live online or on the phone with the author? You can schedule either a half-hour or one-hour reading and choose your date and time from those available. A half-hour is $40, and a one-hour reading is $75. Both 3-card and 11-card readings are available in the time requested. Click the link below for more information and scheduling.