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3-Card Reading for K.L.

K.L. has requested an interpretation of the above cards that were drawn according to the protocol of silently completing the sentence, “Please give me some insight into __________.” K.L. has not told me what (s)he has put into the blank space. The first three cards are the “heart” of the reading and are read as a unit. Then, the fourth card is drawn and read as a summary or clarifier. If we include the summary card, there are two members of the Major Arcana and two ones (10=1+0=1) in this mini-reading, so we know that this request for insight focuses on K.L.’s soul’s agenda for this lifetime and her/his leading, controlling, and directing her/his life. There are no other two-of-a-kind-or-more in suits or numbers.

The spotlight has been on the Magician, the ability to channel energies from the higher realms and make them manifest in this one.  Symbols representing the four suits are on the table indicating some discernment is necessary in choosing the best arena(s) where these energies should operate in order to contribute in the best and highest way.

The spotlight is now on the four of swords, rising above the apparent conflict between giving and taking, winning and losing, and seeing everything as a competition.  The foundation of conflict is seen as withdrawing and separating oneself from living life.  When this card appears, it signals a new foundation where each of us is “enough,” where we are all parts of the whole.

The spotlight is moving toward the Tower, that sudden flash of insight that knocks down everything that had been built before so that you can begin to build in a new direction with nothing to stop you.  I often think that seeing the crown knocked off the top is a signal that the old way, the old thinking, cannot rule you any longer.  The small yellow flashes are blessings that flow from this apparent catastrophe.  

The summary card is the ten of pentacles, choosing your perspective, the lens through which you will filter your reality.  Consider what each of the characters pictured is seeing as real (including the dogs).  Which one serves you best, the safe, sure, solid view of the young man, the unlimited view of the child, the expanded view of the young woman, the older man surrounded by the floating pentacles?  These are not right or wrong, but they will produce vastly different results.  Taken as a whole, this reading seems to ask you to tune into your beliefs and get rid of what no longer serves you so that you can operate from a wider, more enlightened perspective.  Good luck,  K.L. 

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For more information about using tarot cards for insight and guidance, please consider purchasing the book Tarot for All Time, available in paperback and e-book. Thank you.

Would you like to have a personal reading live online or on the phone with the author? You can schedule either a half-hour or one-hour reading and choose your date and time from those available. A half-hour is $40, and a one-hour reading is $75. Both 3-card and 11-card readings are available in the time requested. Click the link below for more information and scheduling.

©Copyright 2020 Tarot for All Time

3-Card Reading for M.J.

M.J. has requested an interpretation of the above cards that were drawn according to the protocol of silently completing the sentence, “Please give me some insight into __________.” M.J. has not told me what (s)he has put into the blank space. The first three cards are the “heart” of the reading and are read as a unit. Then, the fourth card is drawn and read as a summary or clarifier.  There are two fours in this mini-reading and one member of the Major Arcana, so we know that this request for insight focuses on M.J.’s building a foundation that has something to do with her/his soul’s agenda for this lifetime, not just her/his everyday existence.  This can be seen as establishing a basis or jumping-off point for the next phase of her/his life.  There are no other two-of-a-kind-or-more in suits or numbers.

The spotlight has been on the four of wands, moving beyond the castle walls and establishing a new “home” for your skills and talents.  This is cause for celebration, and the couple seen approaching the wands bear garlands as a sign that there is a commitment to enhancing what has been recently established.  Your skills and talents, M.J., are good enough, strong enough, and alive enough to provide you shelter out in the world.

The spotlight is now on the four of swords, withdrawing from the conflict that is pictured in the stained glass window.  People tend to define themselves as either givers or receivers, and they also tend to hold judgments as to the moral superiority of the givers.  This card appears to let you see the bigger picture, where you cannot have one without the other.  It urges you to stop feeding the divisiveness, the competition, and the stereotyping.  A friend of mine once said, “What someone else thinks of me is none of my business.”

The spotlight is moving toward the six of pentacles, sometimes called the giving card.  This is the perfect partner of the previous card.  Yes, you love to give, and you are very careful to be fair when you give, but the most important pentacle in this card is the one right above your own head.  You MUST take care of yourself first or you will have nothing to share with others.  Charity begins at home.  If you are only giving because you think you should, even when your own needs are not met, there is always some resentment that accompanies it, and anyone who is sensitive can detect it.  On the other hand, if your needs are met, then you can give with joy, give the overflow. 

The summary card is the Wheel of Fortune, where the lessons you chose to learn in this lifetime are placed on the wheel of time so that you encounter them as it spins.  Your higher self has the agenda for those lessons, which usually manifest as challenges, and, if you don’t succeed in mastering them, the higher self continues to create opportunities for you to make the attempt.  This is why you can look for repeating circumstances of inner and/or outer struggles you have had in order to identify what you wanted to master this lifetime.  Taken as a whole, this reading is like a vote of confidence that understanding GIVING is something you selected to work on this time around, and you have developed the skills to do so successfully.

Does this make sense? I hope it was helpful.
For more information about using tarot cards for insight and guidance, please consider purchasing the book Tarot for All Time, available in paperback and e-book. Thank you.

Would you like to have a personal reading live online or on the phone with the author? You can schedule either a half-hour or one hour reading and choose your date and time from those available. A half-hour is $40, and a one-hour reading is $75. Both 3-card and 11-card readings are available in the time requested. Click the link below for more information and scheduling.

©Copyright 2020 Tarot for All Time

3-Card Reading for Y.N.

Y.N. has requested an interpretation of the above cards that were drawn according to the protocol of silently completing the sentence, “Please give me some insight into __________.” Y.N. has not told me what (s)he has put into the blank space. The first three cards are the “heart” of the reading and are read as a unit. Then, the fourth card is drawn and read as a summary or clarifier. If we include the summary card, there are two wands and two members of the Major Arcana in this mini-reading, so we know that this request for insight focuses on Y.N.’s skills and talents as well as her/his soul’s agenda for this lifetime. There are no other two-of-a-kind-or-more in suits or numbers.

The spotlight has been on the Ace of Wands, a triumph of taking hold of your skills and talents and leading your own life.  This is a marvelous accomplishment that means you have gone beyond all the members of the discouragement committee and the reasons why-not,  Your being completely aligned with your skills and talents casts blessings into any other lives that you encounter because you inspire others by showing them what’s possible.

The spotlight is now on the Fool, taking a leap of faith.  This card represents the moment when continuing to follow your path involves stepping off a cliff.  The universe has assembled all the cooperative components and is organizing itself around your success.  Now, it is up to you to take that (first) next step. Once you take that action, the sleeves of your garment turn into wings, and you soar.  This card is often interpreted as telling you to follow your dream; you will be sustained.

The spotlight is moving toward Strength, calibrating and aligning yourself with your best and highest vibration so that you can manifest whatever you are focused on.  The picture of taming a wild beast, the king of the animals, shows that by vibrating at the same level, you can merge your energies in a peaceful manner and share positive feelings, forming the strongest bond.

The summary card is the five of wands, having the freedom to choose–shall I stay or shall I go?  These children are playing, and you are the only one wearing a hat.  The five here represents personal freedom, and you have used yours to bring variety and spice to this gathering.  Little do you suspect that you are helping all the members of this group expand their consciousness to include diversity.  The message is to stick with it a bit longer so you can prove that you can take it as well as dish it out.  You will inspire others to emulate you.  Taken as a whole, this reading reinforces your continued interaction with those around you to follow your dream, raise your vibration, and be all of who you really are. Good luck, Y.N.

Does this make sense? I hope it was helpful.
For more information about using tarot cards for insight and guidance, please consider purchasing the book Tarot for All Time, available in paperback and e-book. Thank you.

Would you like to have a personal reading live online or on the phone with the author? You can schedule either a half-hour or one hour reading and choose your date and time from those available. A half-hour is $40, and a one-hour reading is $75. Both 3-card and 11-card readings are available in the time requested. Click the link below for more information and scheduling.

©Copyright 2020 Tarot for All Time

3-Card Reading for E.H.

E.H. has requested an interpretation of the above cards that were drawn according to the protocol of silently completing the sentence, “Please give me some insight into __________.”  E.H. has not told me what (s)he has put into the blank space. The first three cards are the “heart” of the reading and are read as a unit. Then, the fourth card is drawn and read as a summary or clarifier. If we include the summary card, there are two cups in this mini-reading, so we know that this request for insight focuses on E.H.’s feelings, emotions, relationships, and psychic abilities. There is one member of the Major Arcana, so there is some connection to E.H.’s soul’s agenda for this lifetime as well as her/his everyday life. There are no other two-of-a-kind-or-more in suits or numbers.

The spotlight has been on the nine of cups, guarding your full complement of feelings, emotions, relationships, and psychic abilities.  It looks like you have assembled quite a treasure of these, E.H., and have even put them on display, but they are elevated and distant from you.  Your arms are crossed, perhaps indicating a stubborn resolve to remain where you are and not be open to any suggestion.  The message of this card is that it is time to give, time to take one or more of those cups off the shelf and put it/them into play.  This may represent a different kind of giving than you are used to because it involves opening yourself and becoming vulnerable.  It is only by doing this that you can make any progress in your own growth and development; not to do this means remaining stuck.

The spotlight is now on the six of pentacles, the giving card.  How appropriate that this card follows the first one. You are obviously ready to give, and it is very important to you that you are fair and just in your giving.  However, the most important pentacle in this card is the one over your own head.  You MUST take care of yourself first before you give to others.  Even though the first card in the reading says you have a lot to give, you need to check your motivation and make sure that your needs are met and you are giving away the overflow.  If you try to give when you are needy, there is always some resentment that goes with it, and anyone who is sensitive can perceive that as well.  

The spotlight is moving toward the Emperor, the gift of wisdom.  Wisdom is intelligence plus compassion, and it is one of the Gifts of Spirit that you have earned in former lifetimes.  This gift allows you to let the truth show itself without your taking sides.  This is the wisdom of King Solomon, who had two women both claiming to be the mother of the same baby asking him to award custody.   When he said to cut the child in half, the true mother withdrew her claim, and everyone could see that her claim had been the real one.  This is a good example of letting the truth speak for itself.  You are able to do similar things as well by seeing the larger picture.

The summary card is the eight of cups, being dissatisfied with what you have and turning your back on it to find more and/or better.  Taken as a whole, this reading feels like a wake-up call to acknowledge what you have, value it, make sure that your needs are met, and then use the amazing gifts you possess to help yourself and others.  Good luck, E.H.

Does this make sense? I hope it was helpful.
For more information about using tarot cards for insight and guidance, please consider purchasing the book Tarot for All Time, available in paperback and e-book. Thank you.

Would you like to have a personal reading live online or on the phone with the author? You can schedule either a half-hour or one hour reading and choose your date and time from those available. A half-hour is $40, and a one-hour reading is $75. Both 3-card and 11-card readings are available in the time requested. Click the link below for more information and scheduling.

©Copyright 2020 Tarot for All Time

3-Card Reading for S.S.

S.S. has requested an interpretation of the above cards that were drawn according to the protocol of silently completing the sentence, “Please give me some insight into __________.” S.S. has not told me what (s)he has put into the blank space. The first three cards are the “heart” of the reading and are read as a unit. Then, the fourth card is drawn and read as a summary or clarifier. If we include the summary card, there are two wands and two twos in this mini-reading, so we know that this request for insight focuses on S.S.’s skills and talents and her/his choices. Because there is also one member of the Major Arcana, there is some connection to S.S.’s agenda for this lifetime as well as her/his everyday life. There are no other two-of-a-kind-or-more in suits or numbers.

The spotlight has been on the Ace of Pentacles, a triumph of integrity.  You, S.S., are a shining example of what it means to be highly-principled and to live your values.  You keep promises and are committed to your best and highest.  You understand that if you do what’s best for you, it will always be what’s best for everyone else as well.  People count on you because you are trustworthy and dependable.  You inspire others and encourage them to raise their vibration so that they can see and follow their own  highest truth.

The spotlight is now on the two of wands, the choice between playing it safe or risking relying on your skills and talents.  This card pictures the second wand as being held in reserve; you have more going for you than is in play right now.  If you choose to stick with what is safe, sure, and practical, you will simply find yourself in the same old same old for another “round” in your life until an opportunity presents itself to advance.  The advice of the card is to put both your wands to use and risk expanding your reality.

The spotlight is moving toward the King of Wands, mastery of the skills and talents.  Whatever it is that you do, S.S., you’re very good at it, at the top of your game, so to speak.  You operate beyond ego and share your throne with the king of the salamanders.  This makes you a vibrant and resourceful leader, able to see the bigger picture and honor all the participants in the process.

The summary card is the High Priestess, the gift of knowledge.  This card appears to tell you that you already know the answers you seek; they are already inside you.  However, you must get yourself to a calm, quiet, balanced place where you can access what you know.  If you are not already putting aside time to meditate and do inner work, it is important that you begin,  This is a gift that you have brought with you from other lifetimes and have carried into this one; the answers lie within. Good luck, S.S.

Does this make sense? I hope it was helpful.
For more information about using tarot cards for insight and guidance, please consider purchasing the book Tarot for All Time, available in paperback and e-book. Thank you.

Would you like to have a personal reading live online or on the phone with the author? You can schedule either a half-hour or one hour reading and choose your date and time from those available. A half-hour is $40, and a one-hour reading is $75. Both 3-card and 11-card readings are available in the time requested. Click the link below for more information and scheduling.

©Copyright 2020 Tarot for All Time

3-Card Reading for A.T.

A.T. has requested an interpretation of the above cards that were drawn according to the protocol of silently completing the sentence, “Please give me some insight into __________.” A.T. has not told me what (s)he has put into the blank space. The first three cards are the “heart” of the reading and are read as a unit. Then, the fourth card is drawn and read as a summary or clarifier. There are two cups and two tens in the first group of three cards, so we know that this request for insight focuses on A.T.’s feelings, emotions, relationships, and psychic abilities plus the need to use discernment. There is just one member of the Major Arcana, so the context for these insights is A.T.’s everyday life with a mild connection to her/his soul’s agenda for this lifetime. There are no other two-of-a-kind-or-more in suits or numbers.

The spotlight has been on the four of cups, ignoring or not being aware of an opportunity that is presenting itself.  This is usually one of the most frustrating cards in the deck because it tells you, A.T., that you are resting/seated with your hands crossed over your heart, and your eyes are cast downward.  You are keeping your energy contained and protecting your heart. You don’t want to get hurt (again).  The three cups that you already own are lined up in front of you, and there is a space saved for the fourth one that will complete the foundation you have begun to build.  That’s the one that is being offered to you now, but you must raise your eyes to become aware of it and unblock your heart to feel what it is.  Please don’t drive yourself crazy trying to figure out what exactly is in that cup or how well it will fit with the others, but allow yourself to be open and somewhat vulnerable so that you can at least see that it’s there, or you will remain stuck under that tree and the opportunity may pass you by.

The spotlight is now on the ten of cups, the need to use discernment as to whom you will include in the group you call “family.”  With whom will you be open and vulnerable?  With whom will you share the fruits of your labors?  Given the first card in the reading, it would appear that someone has been available for a while.  Who will be your new friend?  Choose the one who is right for you.

The spotlight is moving toward the Wheel of Fortune, which is usually associated with good and bad luck, depending on where you land.  Please remember that luck is often defined as where preparedness meets opportunity.  This wheel keeps spinning and holds the challenges you selected to meet and overcome in this lifetime; you set these up before you incarnated, and your higher self keeps bringing you into situations that you requested so that you can master them and remove them from the wheel.  If you fail to master them, they stay on the wheel, and you can have another chance the next time they come around.  This is often where we find patterns of situations and/or behaviors, so it is helpful to look for “themes” that have been in your life up to this point.  For example, if you seem to attract friends who like to criticize you, you may have wanted to learn how to approve of yourself instead of depending on others for approval.

The summary card is the seven of pentacles, the (heavy sigh) gardener.  Although you are focused on the past when life was easier, simpler, and more fun, you are more than capable of producing the same and/or better results with the skills and materials that are in your hands today.  You are being asked to be here now, be fully present, and believe in your abilities.

Does this make sense? I hope it was helpful.
For more information about using tarot cards for insight and guidance, please consider purchasing the book Tarot for All Time, available in paperback and e-book. Thank you.

Would you like to have a personal reading live online or on the phone with the author? You can schedule either a half-hour or one hour reading and choose your date and time from those available. A half-hour is $40, and a one-hour reading is $75. Both 3-card and 11-card readings are available in the time requested. Click the link below for more information and scheduling.

©Copyright 2020 Tarot for All Time

3-Card Reading for T.W.

T.W. has requested an interpretation of the above cards that were drawn according to the protocol of silently completing the sentence, “Please give me some insight into __________.” T.W. has not told me what (s)he has put into the blank space. The first three cards are the “heart” of the reading and are read as a unit. Then, the fourth card is drawn and read as a summary or clarifier. All of the first three cards are cups, so we know that this request for insight focuses on T.W.’s feelings, emotions, relationships, and psychic abilities. Because there are no members of the Major Arcana in this reading, the context for these insights is T.W.’s everyday life rather than her/his soul’s agenda for this lifetime. There are no other two-of-a-kind-or-more in suits or numbers.

The spotlight has been on the three of cups, the celebration card.  You have come to a place in your life, T.W., where you must take a break, look back, see where you are now, and celebrate how far you have come. You have a tendency to be achievement-oriented and always feel you should be doing something to make a dent in the next item on your to-do list, but it is of the utmost importance that you acknowledge what you have completed and who you are right now instead of focusing on what is still left to do.  Even if you are in the middle of challenging circumstances, if you have grown and expanded over the past year, there is reason to be grateful and happy.  Be sure to invite others to participate in the celebration as well so that they will be comfortable following your example and including you in their own celebrations.  

The spotlight is now on the ten of cups,  the need to use discernment as to whom you allow into your intimate circle to be treated like family.  With whom will you be totally honest and open?  Who is entitled to your protection and friendship?  Considering the first card in the reading, with whom will you celebrate?  Not just anyone or everyone would be a wise choice.

The spotlight is moving toward the five of cups, feeling that someone and/or something is missing from your life.  It’s all right to feel sad and acknowledge who or what is missing; then, it is in your best and highest good to remember that resource is always at hand, raise your vibration, and turn your attention to the cups that are still standing and full.  It seems that the time is right to replace and/or replenish what has been in the cups that have spilled.  Action on your part is called for at this time.

The summary card is the eight of swords, the helpless and hopeless victim card.  Please note that the ropes holding you “prisoner” are not very tight.  If you are able to shrug your shoulders, stop taking it all so seriously, stop being a victim, free yourself, take off the blindfold, and move to higher ground, you can get out of this stuck situation.  That’s what the reading as a whole is saying.  You have reason to celebrate.  Nobody has done anything TO you; it has all been done FOR you.   

Does this make sense? I hope it was helpful.
For more information about using tarot cards for insight and guidance, please consider purchasing the book Tarot for All Time, available in paperback and e-book. Thank you.

Would you like to have a personal reading live online or on the phone with the author? You can schedule either a half-hour or one hour reading and choose your date and time from those available. A half-hour is $40, and a one-hour reading is $75. Both 3-card and 11-card readings are available in the time requested. Click the link below for more information and scheduling.

©Copyright 2020 Tarot for All Time

3-Card Reading for J.F.

J.F. has requested an interpretation of the above cards that were drawn according to the protocol of silently completing the sentence, “Please give me some insight into __________.” J.F. has not told me what (s)he has put into the blank space. The first three cards are the “heart” of the reading and are read as a unit. Then, the fourth card is drawn and read as a summary or clarifier. If we include the summary card, there are two ones (10=1+0=1) in this mini-reading and two members of the Major Arcana, so we know that this request for insight focuses on J.F.’s leading, controlling, and directing her/his life as it pertains to  her/his soul’s agenda for this lifetime. There are no other two-of-a-kind-or-more in suits or numbers.

The spotlight has been on the five of cups, the mourning card.  You have recently become aware that someone and/or something is missing from your life, and this has saddened you.  Please be gentle with yourself and allow yourself time to mourn.  It is important to acknowledge “what is” before you remind yourself that resource is always at hand, raise your vibration to see what you still have, and take action based on that knowing.   

The spotlight is now on the Ace of Swords, triumph over conflict.  Your ability to figure out what you want and then go for it, ignoring everyone and everything else for the moment, is being celebrated.  Single-pointed determination will see you through.  Once you get what you want, you may need to address any hurt feelings that your actions have precipitated, but the situation needs your decisive action at this time in order to succeed.

The spotlight is moving toward the Empress, unlimited creativity.  This is one of your gifts, J.F., and you’ve probably taken it for granted your whole life.  You are easily able to put things together in new and different ways and present them to others.  This makes you an exciting and insightful communicator and teacher.  You may not always stick around to nurture these new patterns and ideas, but you often give birth to them.

The summary card is the Wheel of Fortune, the representation of the lessons you put on the agenda for this lifetime that you wanted to confront and master.  This card shows up when there are patterns or themes that seem to appear in your life.  These are the lessons that you have asked your higher self to bring you, and when you don’t master them, they stay on the wheel, and you run into them each time the wheel of life spins around and brings them to you. They are only removed when you have conquered them.

Does this make sense? I hope it was helpful.
For more information about using tarot cards for insight and guidance, please consider purchasing the book Tarot for All Time, available in paperback and e-book. Thank you.

Would you like to have a personal reading live online or on the phone with the author? You can schedule either a half-hour or one hour reading and choose your date and time from those available. A half-hour is $40, and a one-hour reading is $75. Both 3-card and 11-card readings are available in the time requested. Click the link below for more information and scheduling.

©Copyright 2020 Tarot for All Time

3-Card Reading for B.P.

B.P. has requested an interpretation of the above cards that were drawn according to the protocol of silently completing the sentence, “Please give me some insight into __________.” B.P. has not told me what (s)he has put into the blank space. The first three cards are the “heart” of the reading and are read as a unit. Then, the fourth card is drawn and read as a summary or clarifier. If we include the summary card, there are two swords and two pentacles in this mini-reading, so we know that this request for insight focuses on B.P.’s resolving conflict and on her/his values, priorities, resources, and work. There are also two twos and two fives (king=14=1+4=5), choices and mastery. There are no members of the Major Arcana in this mini-reading, so the insights we are being given pertain to B.P.’s everyday life rather than her/his soul’s agenda for this lifetime. There are no other two-of-a-kind-or-more in suits or numbers.

The spotlight has been on the two of swords, choosing to turn your back on your feelings, arm yourself and protect your heart, while you remain stuck and blindfolded to your present reality.  Not wanting to get hurt (again) is understandable, but this level of defense is excessive, and not wanting to see what is actually before you is foolish.  It’s time to mitigate some of the reaction to a past hurt that left you swearing you’d never_____ again.  Put down at least one of the swords and remove the blindfold or you will remain stuck, not even participating in life.

The spotlight is now on the King of Swords, mastery in resolving conflict.  Surely this is further encouragement to let go of the situation pictured in the first card because this king represents the ability to rise above conflict.  He (you) has/have the right to cut through any and all challenges and disputes by being decisive and telling everyone what will be done.  In other words, you’ve got this.

The spotlight is moving toward the five of pentacles, going within instead of going without.  Resource is always at hand.  All the fives in the tarot deck speak of choosing, and this one shows up to remind you that you need not continue to suffer and be miserable.  Remember that whatever you put your attention on tends to attract more of the same, so it behooves you to raise your vibration and look up, so you can see what is right within your reach that can help.

The summary card is the King of Pentacles, the master of integrity, who has been able to succeed by being in the world yet not of it.  You are a leader and an inspiration because you “walk your talk” and your actions are consistent with the highest and best values.   Given the reading as a whole, it looks like the universe is giving you the reassurance that the challenges in the areas of conflict and values are easily handled and resolved by your expertise and mastery.

Does this make sense? I hope it was helpful.
For more information about using tarot cards for insight and guidance, please consider purchasing the book Tarot for All Time, available in paperback and e-book. Thank you.

Would you like to have a personal reading live online or on the phone with the author? You can schedule either a half-hour or one hour reading and choose your date and time from those available. A half-hour is $40, and a one-hour reading is $75. Both 3-card and 11-card readings are available in the time requested. Click the link below for more information and scheduling.

©Copyright 2020 Tarot for All Time

3-Card Reading for H.H.

H.H. has requested an interpretation of the above cards that were drawn according to the protocol of silently completing the sentence, “Please give me some insight into __________.” H.H. has not told me what (s)he has put into the blank space. The first three cards are the “heart” of the reading and are read as a unit. Then, the fourth card is drawn and read as a summary or clarifier.  There are two pentacles in this mini-reading, so we know that this request for insight focuses on H.H.’s values, priorities, and work. Also, there  is one member of the Major Arcana, so this request for insight does have some connection to H.H.’s soul’s agenda for this lifetime, not just her/his everyday life. There are no other two-of-a-kind-or-more in suits or numbers.

The spotlight has been on the seven of pentacles, the reluctant gardener.  You have come to a place in your life, H.H., where you have paused to contemplate all the hard work, time, and attention over the past years that have produced a thriving living thing. a testimony to your efforts.  You are somewhat sentimental about the “good old days” when life seemed easier, and the path to success seemed more straightforward.  Please know that whatever you did in the past that resulted in such blooming success, you are more than capable of replicating with the opportunity that now lies at your feet.  Be here now, and be fully present to invest all your attention on what is.

The spotlight is now on the five of pentacles.  It looks like you are facing some challenging circumstances at this time.  This certainly adds to the reluctance expressed in the first card.  It is important to remember that resource is always at hand, and you can “come in out of the cold” if you focus on going within instead of going without.  All the fives in the tarot deck speak of choosing, and this one shows up to remind you that you need not continue to suffer and be miserable.  Stop thinking about all the obstacles you will need to overcome and the messages from your own “discouragement committee.” Remember that whatever you put your attention on tends to attract more of the same, so it behooves you to raise your vibration and look up, so you can see that what you want to accomplish is within your reach, and help is available.

The spotlight is moving toward the Devil, all the reasons “why not.”  This is absolutely consistent with the first two cards.   You have convinced yourself that you are being held prisoner and are unable to follow any other path.  In fact, you are leading a tortured existence.   “I can’t do it” is the music to which you dance.  Please note that the chains that bind you can easily be lifted and removed.  This whole situation does require a new perspective, the decision to stop playing victim, and the need to raise your vibration so that it calibrates and attunes to the result you desire.

The summary card is the nine of wands, putting all your eggs in one basket, a fitting explanation for why you are stuck and are indulging in all this negativity.  You are multi-talented but have been relying and leaning heavily on only one of your many skills and talents. This has resulted in your being wounded.  It’s time to bring more of who you are and what you can do into play.  Given the reading as a whole, it looks like your future path is dependent on shifting your focus and raising your vibration.  You can  do it.  Good luck, H.H.

Does this make sense? I hope it was helpful.
For more information about using tarot cards for insight and guidance, please consider purchasing the book Tarot for All Time, available in paperback and e-book. Thank you.

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