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3-Card Reading for E.S.

E.S. has requested an interpretation of the above cards that were drawn according to the protocol of silently completing the sentence, “Please give me some insight into __________.” E.S. has not told me what (s)he has put into the blank space. The first three cards are the “heart” of the reading and are read as a unit. Then, the fourth card is drawn and read as a summary or clarifier. If we include the summary card, there are two members of the Major Arcana in this mini-reading, so we know that this request for insight focuses on E.S.’s  soul’s agenda for this lifetime. There are no other two-of-a-kind or more in suits or numbers.

The spotlight has been on the six of pentacles. the giving card. You are a very giving person, E.S., and you make an effort to give with fairness. The receiver in blue receives more than the receiver in yellow because he has shown he is capable of helping himself rather than just being dependent on the charity of others. However, the most important pentacle in the picture is the one over your head. You MUST take care of yourself first or you will have nothing left to give others 

The spotlight is now on the seven of cups, the wish card.  You have come to a place in your life, E.S., where you have earned the right to have what you want.  The only drawback to this position is that now you must decide what that is.  You could easily go into overwhelm; all the offerings look good, fame, wealth, knowledge, power, riches, status, secrets.  It is important to remember that there are no right or wrong choices here.  The only mistake you could make would be NOT to choose or to choose in order to fulfill someone else’s expectations.  Also, you are always entitled to change your mind.  Ask for guidance in choosing what is most consistent with your highest and best vibration and which one(s) bring you the greatest joy.  Nowhere is it written that you are limited to only one.

Ths spotlight is moving toward the World, also known as the Graduation Card. This card always makes me happy and excited when it shows up. There you are, E.S., a diploma in each hand, the laurel wreath of victory surrounding your whole body, and a picture in each corner of the card representing the fixed signs of the zodiac, emphasizing the management of your life. You have raised your vibration high enough to be awarded a new set of guides, and you are able to receive, store, and transmit those higher frequencies yourself. You’ve got what it takes; now, you have to decide where you’re going to take it.

The summary card is the Emperor, the gift of wisdom. Remember that wisdom is sometimes defined as intelligence + compassion. People are drawn to you because of this gift, a combination of intelligence and compassion, and you have learned to utilize it so that the truth can shine through on its own. This is the wisdom of the Biblical King Solomon, who when confronted by two women, each claiming to be the mother of a particular infant, declared,” Cut the child in half.” The true mother instantly gave up her claim so that the infant could live. This, in turn, resulted in everyone’s being able to see that she was, indeed, the real mother. The truth spoke for itself. Like Solomon, sometimes you need to say or do something outrageous so that the truth can reveal itself. You remain in power by not taking sides, by not reducing the exploration for the truth to simple yes/no questions.

Does this make sense? I hope it was helpful.
For more information about using tarot cards for insight and guidance, please consider purchasing the book Tarot for All Time, available in paperback and e-book. Thank you.

Would you like to have a personal reading live online or on the phone with the author? You can schedule either a half-hour or one-hour reading and choose your date and time from those available. A half-hour is $50, and a one-hour reading is $80. Both 3-card and 11-card readings are available at the time requested. Click the link below for more information and scheduling.

Copyright ®2023 Tarot For All Time

3-Card Reading for L.D.

L.D. has requested an interpretation of the above cards that were drawn according to the protocol of silently completing the sentence, “Please give me some insight into __________.” L.D. has not told me what (s)he has put into the blank space. The first three cards are the “heart” of the reading and are read as a unit. Then, the fourth card is drawn and read as a summary or clarifier. If we include the summary card, there are two sixes in this mini-reading, so we know that this request for insight focuses on L.D.’s being of service and healing.  Because there is just one member of the Major Arcana, the context for these insights is primarily L.D.’s everyday life with only a slight connection to her/his soul’s agenda for this lifetime. There are no other two-of-a-kind or more in suits or numbers.

The spotlight has been on the six of cups. It’s time to take off the gloves and be open to receiving the love that is being offered so that you can grow and thrive. You have put a barrier in place by wearing the gloves, and it is time to be open-handed in both your giving and receiving, Love is aavailable and around you; it may even lie outside the traditional and/or politically correct boundaries. Allow yourself to fully participate in this energy flow.

The spotlight is now on the ten of swords, discretion in giving blessings. The position of his right hand is the key to understanding this card. As a ten, it asks you to use your discernment. The central figure entered a situation to bring it a blessing, but he forgot to pause on the threshold to consider whether those involved in the situation needed and wanted the blessing he was about to impart. If, for any reason, you realize that the blessing you bring will not be received in the spirit with which it is offered, you are being advised to “pick up your toys and go play somewhere else.” Don’t worry, the red in this card is the color of his cloak, not blood. These are psychological swords, and he will be able to recover, but please, spare yourself the humiliation of sharing what you consider valuable with anyone who can’t appreciate it. This card is sometimes called “casting pearls before swine.” It isn’t because swine are lowly and/or dirty; swine can’t use pearls.

The spotlight is moving toward the Page of Wands. having taken the beginning steps along the path to mastery, allowing your skills and talents to lead the way. You are testing out the strength and flexibility of those skills and talents while dedicating them to leading you forward and lighting up your path, getting the job done. Congratulations, L.D., you’re on your way!

The summary card is the Lovers, the gift of healing. What a beautiful gift you have been given, L.D. You will notice that the connection in this relationship is through the angel, not between the two people. You hold the space to give people the permission and the support to heal themselves if that is what they choose to do. The healing comes through you but not from you. You are a receiver, a container, and a transmitter of the Light.  Taken as a whole, this reading is asking you to follow some steps, open to receive, use discernment, and renew your dedication to using your skills and talents as they relate to your having and using the Gift of Healing.  Good luck, L.D.

Does this make sense? I hope it was helpful.
For more information about using tarot cards for insight and guidance, please consider purchasing the book Tarot for All Time, available in paperback and e-book. Thank you.

Would you like to have a personal reading live online or on the phone with the author? You can schedule either a half-hour or one-hour reading and choose your date and time from those available. A half-hour is $50, and a one-hour reading is $80. Both 3-card and 11-card readings are available at the time requested. Click the link below for more information and scheduling.

Copyright ®2023 Tarot For All Time

3-Card Reading for E.C.

E.C. has requested an interpretation of the above cards that were drawn according to the protocol of silently completing the sentence, “Please give me some insight into __________.” E.C. has not told me what (s)he has put into the blank space. The first three cards are the “heart” of the reading and are read as a unit. Then, the fourth card is drawn and read as a summary or clarifier. If we include the summary card, there are two swords and two aces in this mini-reading, so we know that this request for insight focuses on E.C.’s triumphing over conflict and also allowing her/his integrity to triumph. Because there is just one member of the Major Arcana, the context for these insights is primarily E.C.’s everyday life with a slight connection to her/his soul’s agenda for this lifetime. There are no other two-of-a-kind or more in suits or numbers.

The spotlight has been on the seven of swods, de-escalating the conflict. This is accomplished by “chunking down” the number of points of conflict by deciding what can be removed at once, what can be removed later, and what, even though it is by definition part of the problem, can be temporarily ignored because it cannot hurt you. By reducing the points of contention to two, you have a good chance of avoiding aggressive behavior on anyone’s part, and the odds are increased for reaching a compromise. The situation is no longer overwhelming, nor is a major battle inevitable.

The spotlight is now on the Emperor,the gift of wisdom. Remember that wisdom is sometimes defined as intelligence + compassion. People are drawn to you because of this gift, a combination of intelligence and compassion, and you have learned to utilize it so that the truth can shine through on its own. This is the wisdom of the Biblical King Solomon, who when confronted by two women, each claiming to be the mother of a particular infant, declared,” Cut the child in half.” The true mother instantly gave up her claim so that the infant could live. This, in turn, resulted in everyone’s being able to see that she was, indeed, the real mother. The truth spoke for itself. Like Solomon, sometimes you need to say or do something outrageous so that the truth can reveal itself. You remain in power by not taking sides, by not reducing the exploration for the truth to simple yes/no questions.

The spotlight is moving toward the Ace of Swords, a triumph of overcoming conflict. An ace is a trump, and a trump is a triumph, and this card tells you to figure out what you want and then, go for it, temporarily ignoring everyone and everything else. Once you have the object of your desire, then you can work on any hurt feelings or misunderstandings, but for now, single-pointed determination is what will see you through. 

The summary card is the Ace of Pentacles, a triumph of integrity. Aligning with the best and highest allows you to “walk your talk” and serve as an inspiration to others if they choose to look up. This is the only ace in the deck that has no automatic blessings falling on others. This card appears to emphasize free will and choice. You triumph when you align your vibration with the best and highest. Truly, your investment of time and energy has paid off as you embody this alignment.  Good luck,  E.C.

Does this make sense? I hope it was helpful.
For more information about using tarot cards for insight and guidance, please consider purchasing the book Tarot for All Time, available in paperback and e-book. Thank you.

Would you like to have a personal reading live online or on the phone with the author? You can schedule either a half-hour or one-hour reading and choose your date and time from those available. A half-hour is $50, and a one-hour reading is $80. Both 3-card and 11-card readings are available at the time requested. Click the link below for more information and scheduling.

Copyright ®2023 Tarot For All Time

3-Card Reading for P.W.

P.W. has requested an interpretation of the above cards that were drawn according to the protocol of silently completing the sentence, “Please give me some insight into __________.” P.W. has not told me what (s)he has put into the blank space. The first three cards are the “heart” of the reading and are read as a unit. Then, the fourth card is drawn and read as a summary or clarifier. If we include the summary card, there are two wands in this mini-reading, so we know that this request for insight focuses on P.W.’s skills and talents. Because there is just one member of the Major Arcana, the context for these insights is primarily P.W.’s everyday life rather than her/his soul’s agenda for this lifetime. There are no other two-of-a-kind or more in suits or numbers.

The spotlight has been on the Page of Pentacles, starting on the path to follow your dream. You are allowing the light of your values to lead you and guide you in being consistent with your integrity. Light is your inspiration. Congratulations on making a commitment to a particular path. The only need for caution is to not lose your focus and also stay aware of your surroundings. Renew your commitment to your integrity and do not let your focus slip into what you think you DON’T have.

The spotlight is now on Death. allowing the old form, the old way of doing things to die because it has outlived its usefulness. The new way has already begun as shown by the rising sun on the right side of the card. Thank and bless the old way, for it got you to this point in your life, and recognize and embrace the changes you have recently experienced that have opened up a brand new way of seeing, being, and participating in your life. 

The spotlight is moving toward the ten of wands, the need for discernment in the area of your skills and talents. You are multi-talented, P.W., and at this time, you experience this as more of a burden than a gift. Trying to present all of your gifts at once is impeding your forward progress immensely and limiting your ability to see the path ahead. Not only do you feel a sense of overwhelm, anyone you approach will view your offerings as overwhelming as well, and you will not be welcomed. Please select one or two of your skills and talents to lead you at this time and bundle the rest to carry under your arm. They will be available to you once you reach your next destination and can be accessed to enhance your new position and improve your posture. Consistent with the theme of this reading, this card advises you NOT to show anyone else everything you can do; you choose; you be in charge. 

The summary card is the eight of wands, the “soon, get ready” card. Whatever you targeted as your next higher step is getting ready to land. Do whatever you need to in order to be prepared. Your wish is about to come true. Good luck, P.W.

Does this make sense? I hope it was helpful.
For more information about using tarot cards for insight and guidance, please consider purchasing the book Tarot for All Time, available in paperback and e-book. Thank you.

Would you like to have a personal reading live online or on the phone with the author? You can schedule either a half-hour or one-hour reading and choose your date and time from those available. A half-hour is $50, and a one-hour reading is $80. Both 3-card and 11-card readings are available at the time requested. Click the link below for more information and scheduling.

Copyright ®2023 Tarot For All Time

3-Card Reading for E.D.

E.D. has requested an interpretation of the above cards that were drawn according to the protocol of silently completing the sentence, “Please give me some insight into __________.” E.D. has not told me what (s)he has put into the blank space. The first three cards are the “heart” of the reading and are read as a unit. Then, the fourth card is drawn and read as a summary or clarifier. If we include the summary card, there are two swords and two sixes in this mini-reading, so we know that this request for insight focuses on E.D.’s being of service and healing in resolving conflict. Because there are no members of the Major Arcana, the context for these insights is E.D.’s everyday life rather than her/his soul’s agenda for this lifetime. There are no other two-of-a-kind or more in suits or numbers.

The spotlight has been on the six of cups.  It’s time to take off the gloves and be open to receiving the love that is being offered so that you can grow and thrive. You have put a barrier in place by wearing the gloves, and it is time to be open-handed in both your giving and receiving, Love is all around you; it may even lie outside the traditional and/or politically correct boundaries. Allow yourself to fully participate in this energy flow. 

The spotlight is now on the Page of Swords, the testing card. This card appears when you have declared your intent to follow the path to mastery, and the universe steps in to test your commitment. When this card appears in a reading, it acknowledges that you are going through a trying experience and advises you to keep on keeping on in order to attain the goal you have set your sights on. As frustrating and/or challenging as this experience may seem, it is simply the price you must pay to get where you want to be. Perseverance is required. Get beyond the fear, the doubt, and the frustration. Keep your eyes on the prize, and you will succeed. 

The spotlight is moving toward the Knight of Pentacles, sometimes called the Lone Ranger or the Loan Arranger. He rides into a situation, fixes the problem, and rides on, not even waiting for a thank you. He is well on his way to mastery but has paused to wonder if his present situation is “as good as it gets.” The answer is a resounding “NO!” Stop questioning the goods and goodies that are right there with you all the time. Does the statement, “You ain’t seen nothing yet,” sound exciting? There is much more to come. 

The summary card is the six of swords, a card of service and healing. You are attempting to move the boat from the rough water into the smooth, so you must not bear down on the points of conflict, or you will sink the boat. Have compassion for yourself for having chosen to deal with the ones who see themselves as victims, having suffered the hurts, and have compassion for the one or ones who caused it as you move the boat to safety. Keep it light.

Does this make sense? I hope it was helpful.
For more information about using tarot cards for insight and guidance, please consider purchasing the book Tarot for All Time, available in paperback and e-book. Thank you.

Would you like to have a personal reading live online or on the phone with the author? You can schedule either a half-hour or one-hour reading and choose your date and time from those available. A half-hour is $50, and a one-hour reading is $80. Both 3-card and 11-card readings are available at the time requested. Click the link below for more information and scheduling.

Copyright ®2023 Tarot For All Time

3-Card Reading for L.G.

L.G. has requested an interpretation of the above cards that were drawn according to the protocol of silently completing the sentence, “Please give me some insight into __________.” L.G. has not told me what (s)he has put into the blank space. The first three cards are the “heart” of the reading and are read as a unit. Then, the fourth card is drawn and read as a summary or clarifier. If we include the summary card, there are two wands in this mini-reading, so we know that this request for insight focuses on L.G.’s skills and talents. Because there are no members of the Major Arcana, the context for these insights is L.G.’s everyday life rather than her/his soul’s agenda for this lifetime. There are no other two-of-a-kind or more in suits or numbers.

The spotlight has been on the three of wands, a time to celebrate. Look how far you’ve come, L.G.! You have been working very hard to identify and let go of that which no longer serves you. Now it is time to celebrate what you have allowed to be part of who you are. It is important to include others in your celebration so that you can show them the value of focusing on the good things, no matter how small, you/they have done, and being grateful for them. Remember, “thank you” means “keep it coming.”

The spotlight is now on the six of pentacles, the giving card. You are a very giving person, L.G., and you make an effort to give with fairness. The receiver in blue receives more than the receiver in yellow because he has shown he is capable of helping himself rather than just being dependent on the charity of others. However, the most important pentacle in the picture is the one over your head. You MUST take care of yourself first or you will have nothing left to give others 

The spotlight is moving toward the King of Wands, mastery of the skills and talents. It looks like you have been spending some time and, effort on keeping your skills and talents up-to-date and consistently strong. You are very good at what you do, and you do it without ego involvement; you are willing to share your throne with the king of the salamanders. You inspire others, and even though you sit on the throne, your skills and talents are firmly planted in the real down-to-earth world. You have helped many people and will continue to do so. 

The summary card is the ten of wands, the need for discernment in the area of your skills and talents. You are multi-talented, L.G., and at this time, you experience this as more of a burden than a gift. Trying to present all of your gifts at once is impeding your forward progress immensely and limiting your ability to see the path ahead. Not only do you feel a sense of overwhelm, anyone you approach will view your offerings as overwhelming as well, and you will not be welcomed. Please select one or two of your skills and talents to lead you at this time and bundle the rest to carry under your arm. They will be available to you once you reach your next destination and can be accessed to enhance your new position and improve your posture. Consistent with the theme of this reading, this card advises you NOT to show anyone else everything you can do; you choose; you be in charge. Good luck, L.G.

Does this make sense? I hope it was helpful.
For more information about using tarot cards for insight and guidance, please consider purchasing the book Tarot for All Time, available in paperback and e-book. Thank you.

Would you like to have a personal reading live online or on the phone with the author? You can schedule either a half-hour or one hour reading and choose your date and time from those available. A half-hour is $40, and a one-hour reading is $75. Both 3-card and 11-card readings are available in the time requested. Click the link below for more information and scheduling.

Copyright ®2023 Tarot For All Time

3-Card Reading for T.P.

T.P. has requested an interpretation of the above cards that were drawn according to the protocol of silently completing the sentence, “Please give me some insight into __________.” T.P. has not told me what (s)he has put into the blank space. The first three cards are the “heart” of the reading and are read as a unit. Then, the fourth card is drawn and read as a summary or clarifier. If we include the summary card, there are two elevens (Pages are elevens) and three swords in this mini-reading, so we know that this request for insight focuses on T.P.’s visionary skills and resolving conflict. Because there is just one member of the Major Arcana, the context for these insights is primarily T.P.’s everyday life with only a slight connection to her/his soul’s agenda for this lifetime. There are no other two-of-a-kind or more in suits or numbers.

The spotlight has been on the Ace of Swords, a triumph of overcoming conflict. An ace is a trump, and a trump is a triumph, and this card tells you to figure out what you want and then, go for it, temporarily ignoring everyone and everything else. Once you have the object of your desire, then you can work on any hurt feelings or misunderstandings, but for now, single-pointed determination is what will see you through. Our guides tell us, T.P., that you have done this successfully.

The spotlight is now on the Page of Swords, the testing card. This card appears when you have declared your intent to follow the path to mastery, and the universe steps in to test your commitment. When this card appears in a reading, it acknowledges that you are going through a trying experience and advises you to keep on keeping on in order to attain the goal you have set your sights on. As frustrating and/or challenging as this experience may seem, it is simply the price you must pay to get where you want to be. Perseverance is required. Get beyond the fear, the doubt, and the frustration. Keep your eyes on the prize, and you will succeed. Good luck, T.P.

The spotlight is moving toward Justice.  Justice in the tarot deck is not blindfolded; she sees everything. However, if she hears of a matter in the neighboring town that needs her attention, she does not gather up her gown and sword, throw her scales over her shoulder, and go running off to judge it; she waits for it to come to her, and that’s what you’re being asked to do now. There are more things going on in the universe that are impacting this situation than you can ever hope to understand at this time, so you are being asked to wait until it comes to you. Have no fear; justice will be done. Trust that it’s all happening exactly when and how it’s supposed to. 

The summary card is the five of swords, the freedom to make choices when faced with conflict. The lesson here is “In order to win, don’t play.” Do not give your power away by letting anyone else tempt you into joining the fight. Raise your vibration by engaging your discernment and energizing your gratitude that you always have choices.  Good luck, T.P.

Does this make sense? I hope it was helpful.
For more information about using tarot cards for insight and guidance, please consider purchasing the book Tarot for All Time, available in paperback and e-book. Thank you.

Would you like to have a personal reading live online or on the phone with the author? You can schedule either a half-hour or one-hour reading and choose your date and time from those available. A half-hour is $50, and a one-hour reading is $80. Both 3-card and 11-card readings are available at the time requested. Click the link below for more information and scheduling.

Copyright ®2023 Tarot For All Time

3-Card Reading for R.B.

R.B. has requested an interpretation of the above cards that were drawn according to the protocol of silently completing the sentence, “Please give me some insight into __________.” R.B. has not told me what (s)he has put into the blank space. The first three cards are the “heart” of the reading and are read as a unit. Then, the fourth card is drawn and read as a summary or clarifier. If we include the summary card, there are two members of the Major Arcana in this mini-reading, so we know that this request for insight focuses on R.B.’s soul’s agenda for this lifetime rather than on her/his everyday life. There are no other two-of-a-kind or more in suits or numbers.

The spotlight has been on the four of swords, withdrawing from conflict. The key to understanding this card is in the stained glass window that shows two figures, one on her knees, and one standing ready to give something to the other. You tend to group people into givers and receivers and to quickly judge those who receive as “takers.” You are absolutely certain that you don’t want to be a taker. You judge and look down on those who take. You are constantly evaluating and comparing where you are and how well you do what you do, placing yourself in competitive opposition to other people. There is a tendency to beat up on yourself for coming up short (you will always be able to find someone else who does more/has more/is better than you), so you withdraw temporarily from this perceived competition. Wow! You might feel safe, but this completely disempowers you and renders you stuck. This card appears to remind you that all people are part of the process; we must have receivers in order for givers to be able to give. One of my very wise teachers said, “What somebody else thinks about me is none of my business.” Let go of the compare and compete. Stop the self-judgments. If your way is different and it still works, please don’t look at it as being wrong.

The spotlight is now on the Devil, all the reasons why and why not that pop up in resistance to moving forward. Here are all the excuses, vices, and addictions that were put in place to help you feel better, to cope with your life. When this card shows up, it is time to simply (yeah, right) lift the chains off your neck and take back the power to lead your life instead of giving away your power to the situation to lead and control you. It’s time to stop playing the victim or even caring what anyone else thinks.  See how this card relates to the first one?

The spotlight is moving toward the High Priestess, the gift of knowledge. When this card appears, it means you already have all the answers you seek inside of you. This suggests you stop searching outside of yourself and focus within. You must get yourself to a calm, quiet, steady, balanced place, free of distractions, where you can access and rely on your own knowing, another confirmation of where to look in order to find the truth.

The summary card is the ten of wands,the need for discernment in the area of your skills and talents. You are multi-talented, R.B., and at this time, you experience this as more of a burden than a gift. Trying to present all of your gifts at once is impeding your forward progress immensely and limiting your ability to see the path ahead. Not only do you feel a sense of overwhelm, anyone you approach will view your offerings as overwhelming as well, and you will not be welcomed. Please select one or two of your skills and talents to lead you at this time and bundle the rest to carry under your arm. They will be available to you once you reach your next destination and can be accessed to enhance your new position. and improve your posture. Consistent with the theme of this reading, this card advises you NOT to show anyone else everything you can do; you choose; you be in charge.  Good luck, R.B. 

Does this make sense? I hope it was helpful.
For more information about using tarot cards for insight and guidance, please consider purchasing the book Tarot for All Time, available in paperback and e-book. Thank you.

Would you like to have a personal reading live online or on the phone with the author? You can schedule either a half-hour or one-hour reading and choose your date and time from those available. A half-hour is $50, and a one-hour reading is $80. Both 3-card and 11-card readings are available at the time requested. Click the link below for more information and scheduling.

Copyright ®2023 Tarot For All Time

3-Card Reading for F.C.

   F.C.. has requested an interpretation of the above cards that were drawn according to the protocol of silently completing the sentence, “Please give me some insight into __________.” F.C. has not told me what (s)he has put into the blank space. The first three cards are the “heart” of the reading and are read as a unit. Then, the fourth card is drawn and read as a summary or clarifier. If we include the summary card, there are two pentacles in this mini-reading, so we know that this request for insight focuses on F.C.’s values, priorities, and work. Because there is just one member of the Major Arcana, the context for these insights is primarily F.C.’s everyday life with only a slight connection to her/his soul’s agenda for this lifetime. There are no other two-of-a-kind or more in suits or numbers.

The spotlight has been on the four of pentacles, the foundation of your values. This card is sometimes called the Fiddler on the Roof. You have spent a great deal of time figuring out what you think, how you feel, and where you stand. The only problem with having done that is limiting yourself to values that lie outside of yourself. This leaves all your energy tied up and you stuck in a vulnerable spot on the roof. Go within and acknowledge your Divine Life Partner, the one who beats your heart and takes in your breath. Value yourself and the divine blueprint that created you and sustains you. Then, you can come down to earth and be of service to the light within you.

The spotlight is now on the Sun, a whole brand new beginning. It is the perfect partner to the first card on the path of your soul’s growth and development. You enter this next phase of your life’s journey, open and vulnerable, having been “around the block” a few times and retaining the wisdom and discernment gained from the earlier cycles. The sun shines on you, and you know your own value and worth. Welcome to your future, F.C.

The spotlight is moving toward the seven of pentacles, the nostalgic gardener. This card appears when you get excessively sentimental about “the good old days,” when things were easier, simpler, or when you were younger and/or carefree. Please know that whatever you did in the past to make that plant you are gazing at grow up to be so strong and healthy, you are more than capable of achieving with the new growth at your feet. You are being encouraged to “Be here now” and invest all your energy in the present moment instead of spending time focusing on the past. There is also an element here of fear of the future/unknown. Take some time to meet with your future self so you can have the peace of knowing it will all work out. 

The summary card is the three of wands. This card appears when you have recently launched a person and/or a project that caused you to develop new skills and talents in the process. You are being encouraged to activate/express one of those newer abilities now instead of reaching for the same old familiar activity that you used to cling to. This will serve you well.

Does this make sense? I hope it was helpful.
For more information about using tarot cards for insight and guidance, please consider purchasing the book Tarot for All Time, available in paperback and e-book. Thank you.

Would you like to have a personal reading live online or on the phone with the author? You can schedule either a half-hour or one-hour reading and choose your date and time from those available. A half-hour is $50, and a one-hour reading is $80. Both 3-card and 11-card readings are available at the time requested. Click the link below for more information and scheduling.

Copyright ®2023 Tarot For All Time

3-Card Reading for U.G.

U.G. has requested an interpretation of the above cards that were drawn according to the protocol of silently completing the sentence, “Please give me some insight into __________.” U.G. has not told me what (s)he has put into the blank space. The first three cards are the “heart” of the reading and are read as a unit. Then, the fourth card is drawn and read as a summary or clarifier. If we include the summary card, there are two members of the Major Arcana in this mini-reading, so we know that this request for insight focuses on U.G.’s  soul’s agenda for this lifetime, the areas of life (s)he wishes to experience and master.  There are no other two-of-a-kind or more in suits or numbers.

The spotlight has been on the Wheel of Fortune, which contains the symbols of the “fixed” astrological signs in its four corners, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. These are management “styles.” Depending on how you manage the challenges life hands you (that you chose before you incarnated) you may have to encounter the challenges over and over again until you figure out what’s being asked of you and can master it/them. When this card appears, it is helpful to look for patterns that have been in your life. For example, I hesitated to step into my own power because I believed that “With great power come great responsibilities.” I didn’t think that I was “enough” to take on everybody’s needs. Christy and the Council made me realize that the only responsibility I have is to myself, to act with integrity, not to take on anyone else’s expectations. When you master the challenge and learn what you chose to learn, you can take that particular symbol off the wheel, so it doesn’t keep hitting you every time it comes around again.  

The spotlight is now on the Hermit, the archetype of wisdom and higher understanding. Your focus has been on carrying the light to the top of the mountain, illuminating a path so that others can follow if that is their choice. You have shown them the way. The only drawback to this position is that it can be very lonely at the top, You march to a different drummer and have spent large amounts of time by yourself. You have a high degree of integrity, which is sometimes beyond what everyone else can understand.

The spotlight is moving toward the four of wands, establishing a new foundation in an expanded reality. You have done what it takes to move beyond the walls of the castle and establish a new foundation, a new “home” for your skills and talents. You have spent some time, energy, and money embellishing your new residence. This is incontrovertible evidence that your skills and talents are good enough, strong enough, and alive enough to provide you shelter and serve as a new stand-alone structure out in the world. Good job, U.G.! 

The summary card is the six of cups. It’s time to take off the gloves and be open to receiving the love that is being offered so that you can grow and thrive. You have put a barrier in place by wearing the gloves, and it is time to be open-handed in both your giving and receiving, Love is all around you; it may even lie outside the traditional and/or politically correct boundaries. Allow yourself to fully participate in this energy flow. Taken as a whole, thiis reading supports you growth and expansion.  Good luck, U.G.

Does this make sense? I hope it was helpful.
For more information about using tarot cards for insight and guidance, please consider purchasing the book Tarot for All Time, available in paperback and e-book. Thank you.

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